About me

Hi I'm Lyns (she/they), an elder millennial from the North of England

I am a tea drinker, retro gamer, media graduate, Welsh learner (430 day Duolingo streak and counting), notebook collector, animation nerd and (extremely) small time blogger - not necessarily in that order.

I've been using the internet since the late 1990s-early 2000s. Back then, my exposure to the world wide web was mainly in the educational institutions I was studying at at the time, as well as the occasional visit to an internet cafe (who remembers those? Do any still exist or have they all turned into regular cafes with extremely good free wifi?). You would have found me in the computer rooms of my university's library, looking at websites someone had made with Tripod or Geocities when I should have been doing research for a presentation on German Expressionist Cinema.

This is the first time I've tried to properly code a website. I had always wanted to do it but thought it would be too difficult and time consuming to learn how to build one from scratch. I'm using Neocities to learn html and CSS while also (hopefully) making a website to be proud of. This means that the pages will probably take on many appearances while I experiment with different things until I find one that I'm happy with.

LIKES: photography, animation, plain chocolate digestives, salt and vinegar crisps (especially Square crisps),journaling, long walks, old video games

DISLIKES:Chronic pain, influencer culture,yakult, bananas.