
A place for my random thoughts and little updates

23.10.24 I have created a microblog for this site.

24.10.24 Experimenting with fonts and colours. Like this one so far, but might change it soon.

27.10.24 I hate it when the clocks go back and it gets dark earlier. I might have got an extra hour in bed this morning,but I'm still tired.

28.10.24 Thought of the day: Fascism is for losers.

29.10.24 One big spot on my chin is bad enough. Two is worse. I'm in my 40s, I should have stopped getting acne by now.

2.11.24 Halloween might be over but it's still too early for Christmas adverts. At least leave it until a week after Bonfire Night before you go all 25th December on us.

3.11.24 Didn't turn my phone on until 6pm. I consider this to be an achievement.

5.11.24. Don't fuck it up America.

10.11.24. I really need to quit social media completely. It isn't good for me and judging by what I see on it, it isn't good for anyone else either.

12.11.24 Decided to revert colours of microblog to black and white for now.

19.11.24 We had snow. It didn't stick. Typical.

20.11.24 My neocities site is never going to be good as everyone else's. At least I tried.

27.11.24 My nephew is 21 today. How the hell did that happen?

2.12.24 Without wishing to be that guy, shouldn't "brain rot" be the phrase of the year rather than the word?

23.12.24 Ask me tomorrow night if I'm feeling festive. I'm too stressed to be feeling it right now.

19.1.25 The amount of americans (and some non-americans) freaking out over the TikTok "ban" just shows how addictive the app is and how dependent people have become on it to entertain them. If you survived the end of Vine then you'd survive the end of TikTok if/when if ever it truly finishes.

20.1.25 Life is too short to worry about the future to the point that you find it hard to live in the present. I used to do that,and I regret the time I lost doing it.

19.2.2025I want to get back into blogging again. I miss it.